
0202 - Sem 2 Results

星期二成绩出炉了 还记得当天我一直告诉自己我不怕 可是原来我还是很在乎很害怕滴

上完 GLT 的课后 刚刚好是下午3点 心想一点很多很多人第一时间去拿成绩吧 所以就先吃东西再去拿成绩

吃完东西后就去图书馆拿成绩了 哇~ 多人到 比夜市还要热闹

不过没办法咯 成绩还是要拿 就一直排队排队排队 排到很想睡觉的感觉 哈哈 我承认我很猪

多一会儿 我看到我班的几个朋友都拿到成绩了 全部都及格 而且很多人的历史都刚刚好拿 C

我想我应该死定了 因为我没有写 Essay 拿 C 应该是不可能的事 心里越来越紧张和不安.

后来我还听到有一个朋友她的历史好像不及格 我的心情更加紧张 更加不安 有一股不想拿成绩的冲动 好像回家哦 ><

后来还是一直等一直等 不知不觉就 45 分钟了 还是还没拿到成绩 没想到拿成绩也是一件那么辛苦的事

不过没关系啦 因为拿成绩所以可以不用去上 IT 课 未必是一件坏事哦 呵呵

最后我等了一个小时 终于 终于 拿到成绩了 第一个就先看我的历史科

天啊~ 我及格了!!! 呼~ 总算松了一口气 不用重考的感觉 真的很开心 XD

我的成绩是 2A 2A- 1C+

全部及格 不过我会再接再厉的 因为还有 5 Semester 和 20 subjects 等着我来考

以后的日子会越来越难熬了 加油……………


0110 - WORRY

Around 4am 
I still can't sleep very well
tomorrow have a class
But I still........
thinking, thinking and thinking

I dunno what should I do now and what can I do
I also dunno who can help me to solve the problem
family ? friends ? or solve by myself

I worry it day by day
like wanna go hell that feeling
I can't make a decision
Need to see doctor or keep waiting ?

I hope all will be fine and no matter will occur


1020 - After 9 days

I have many things want to tell you

But I think is too late

Because we can't be back our love

Before break up

You said " I Love You " this 3 words when saying goodbye with me

But I too naughty

I usually will answered you " Thank you "

Then your face will become = =


Actually I missing this 3 words and you

Would you tell me this 3 words to me on the next time?


Maybe you don't love me already
Maybe you forget me already
Maybe you have your other half


I just wanna say I so sorry to you because I have to hurt you
I still missing you because I haven't forget you
I still love you because I still believe you are my long term relationship



I promise you I will be strong
You also promise me you will do your best

Take Care

Prawn Head

I'll try my best to forget our love
I hope we still can be a friend
